L’Ossola is a physical region which occupies the north part of Piedmont and of his long valley and is crossed by the river Toce.

In Ossola convergent various valleys: the valley Antigorio and Formazza with the waterfall del Toce. Valley Divedro with the long railway tunnel of Simplon. The valley Devero with her magnificent landscapes, the valley of Vigezzo called also the Valley dei pittori (Painters); the small valleys of famous Bognanco for its waters thermal and Antrona; the valley of Ossola with the picturesque lake of Mergozzo and the Mount Orfano.

Do not forget that, during the Second World War, the Valley of Ossola was for the avant-garde in the wrestling against the Nazis; in 1944, it was the seat of a small partisan republic.

The valleys of Ossola

The valley Antigorio, celebrates for its thermal baths of Crodo, where we can admire the beautiful parochial church of Santo Stefano; Baceno with the parochial church of San Gaudenzio rich in paints and in sculptures wood.

The valley of Formazza, is lived by descendants of the population Walser, population come of Valais close Switzerland and which left a sign tangible both by the costumes and in their dialects. To see the church parochial of the village.

This land known as a center of holiday resort and ski resort. Admire the magnificent waterfall of the river Toce (m 143). Valley Divedro, where, at the beginning of 1900s began the construction of the railway tunnel of Simplon (20 km) and finished in 1922, which makes connection between Varzo and Brig (Switzerland). Varzo celebrates resort and the point of departure for San Domenico, ski resort and for the Natural reserve of ” Parco naturale dell’Alpe Veglia ».

Do not forget the valley Devero, with the rise towards the Alpine pasture of the same name, situated in a magnificent tray rich in flora and fauna alpine. The valley Vigezzo also known as Valley of painters and by his magnificent landscapes and by the presence of villages of villeggiature and of winter sports.

A bend by the village of Santa Maria with the parochial church of the Assumption ; the Art gallery and the museum Rossetti Valentini and the museum of the chimney sweep.

To Re we admire the sanctuary of Notre-Dame of blood.

The valley of Bognanco, with main center, Bognanco, renowned for the Parco delle Sorgenti and inside is the thermal complex.

The valley Antrona, crossed by the river Ovesca and the village of Antronapiana situated in a part of the country strewed with meadows and surrounded of summits of more than 2000 meters.

The complex is ideal for one pleasant walk, including those of the lake of Antrona and the lake of Camposecco. Val d’ Ossola, is the first one whom we discover by arriving from the South; in Make a visit in the picturesque center of Mergozzo situated in the north part of the lake of the same name.

Ornavasso with the Sanctuary of Madonna del Boden and the line Cadorna. Vogogna, dominated by the Castle Visconteo and more at the top are the rests of the rocca. Villadossola with the church parochial Roman of San Bartolomeo.

Domodossola, considered as “Capital” is an important quoted with preserved historic center. “Capital” is an important quoted which kept(preserved) its historic center called “La Motta” to the medieval characteristics.

Other fact covering the Place of the Market, the church of S Gervasio and Protasio and the Sacro Monte Calvario, situated on the hill of Mattarella. Finally Crevoladossola with the church Parochial SS. Pietro e Paolo.